Wednesdays Are Wonderful In Washington Park
There will be nine Wednesday evening concerts in Washington Park this summer. Our season opens on July 1st with a free cookout provided by the Brew City Bruisers. On Saturday, join us back in the park for a day full of festivities. The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra will play the bandshell on July 4th, thanks to a gift from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation.
Many individuals and organizations contribute to the success of Wednesdays at the Shell in Washington Park. We love our opening acts and we appreciate your support Milwaukee County Parks and Washington Heights Neighborhood Association (WHNA). You can expect to see A.W.E.’s colorful Truck Studio at the bandshell, thanks to a contribution from the WHNA. Artists Working in Education (A.W.E.) will provide art activities for kids at four — That’s right, four! — concerts this summer.
During the afternoon of July 15th, Kids from Wisconsin will work with local youngsters in performance workshops. The six groups attending will showcase their organizations while performing on stage for others. Then, the Kids from Wisconsin will take the bandshell stage. Tom from Milwaukee Hot Dog Company will be in the park early that evening.
Arrive early on July 15th, but please plan to stay a bit later the evening of August 5th, following the Peter Mulvey Band. Many thanks to the Washington Heights Rainbow Association for helping us bring back the fun and fabulous, Brewcity Fire Brigade.
Community Pie will once again roll out crusts and bake pies with kids at the UEC in preparation for their visit to the bandshell on Wednesday, August 12th. Join us for your piece of community pie. The pie is free, but donations are accepted and greatly appreciated.
Please visit — and like — Wednesdays At The Shell in Washington Park on Facebook for more information, photos, and updates. See you at the shell.