Clean And Green Milwaukee
May 4th – May 8th for Washington Heights Area
Residents within the targeted zone can place unwanted furniture, mattresses, household items, up to 2 cubic yards of tree trimmings, and up to 5 tires at the garbage collection point (curb or alley) on their scheduled garbage collection day during the assigned week for the neighborhood (5/4 – 5/8 for the Heights).
This is your opportunity to get rid of excess household debris at no cost. After your Project Clean & Green week, there will be a $50-$150 charge for all bulky pickup requests larger than 1 cubic yard (about the size of an easy chair).
Crews will not collect appliances, TVs, electronics, construction debris, paint, grass, yard waste or more than 2 cubic yard of tree trimmings. These items can be taken to a City Self Help site for proper disposal. Household hazardous waste can be taken to 3879 W Lincoln Avenue on Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays from 7AM – 3PM.
PROJECT CLEAN & GREEN is a City-wide program designed to foster neighborhood pride and ownership through coordinated clean ups, street and alley sweeping, graffiti removal and neighborhood beautification activities sponsored by community organizations. Collection Crews will target one zone each week and collect extra items left at the collection point on the scheduled collection day.